Capturing Portland’s spring on film

Sakura (cherry blossoms) at Waterfront Park, 19 March 2024. Ricohflex Dia/Kodak Ektar 100

Ever since I got back into film four years ago, my “big” camera, the one that I usually strap around my shoulders, is usually loaded with black and white film. Part of this could be pretentiousness, as black and white is “serious” photography. The other part is simply because I like it, as it makes you look at the world differently. With black and white you are thinking more about texture and contrast.

But there are a few times of year when I switch and the big camera is loaded with color. This is because I really want to capture that color, and I tend to shoot with the camera slung on my shoulder the most. And one of those times is early spring, when the world has come alive with vibrant color.

One of the things I love about Portland Spring is the earliness of it. Back home in Connecticut we’d get some daffodils and crocuses in March, but trees don’t really do their thing until late April at best. Here? While not everything is blooming yet, the showiest trees, like cherry blossoms and magnolias, are a-poppin. The sakura at Waterfront Park exploded around St. Patricks Day and the whole city came to see it, myself included.

So here’s an album of springtime flowering action for you to enjoy. I’ve shot it on many different cameras and also tried to capture it on lower speed stocks that come out during the nicer months. It’s also the first time I’ve pulled out Fujicolor 100 since bringing home about a half-dozen rolls from Japan last year. Enjoy!

Cherry Blossoms on the Portland Waterfront, 17 March 2024
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