The UK!

Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Hello there, fine folks. Today marks the embarkation of a big journey. For the next three-plus weeks, Emee and myself will be in the United Kingdom, specifically England and Scotland. This is a trip that we’ve wanted to do for quite some time. Three and half weeks seems like plenty of time, but I’m sure it will go by just like that.

Our rough itinerary:

  • Spend the first week in London
  • Take the train up to Scotland, spend a few days in Edinburgh, a few days in Glasgow, and work in some countryside
  • Spend a few days in the Lake District
  • A few other places we haven’t figured out
  • And finally back to London

While the UK is definitely a smaller country than the US (or even Japan!), we are aiming more for quality than quantity. We’ll spend a decent amount of time in London, Edinburgh, and Glasgow, at least two weeks of the whole time we’re there. We’d rather be less hurried and less stressed, rather than attempting to “get it all in.”

And oh yes, we will be bringing our Bromptons. In fact, the Brompton World Championships will be happening in London whilst we are there, and we didn’t even plan on that! We won’t be racing, but will be checking it out. And we won’t be touring with the Bromptons, just taking them with us on the train and riding them around towns.

Are you around and want to hang out? Get in touch. I can’t make any promises, but if you are in/near the cities I can try to make something happen.

This blog will be sporadically updated during the next few weeks. Also, my Big Cartel shop is shut down during the duration of the trip. It will be back online around July 12th.

5 thoughts on “The UK!

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  1. Have fun over there! I’ll be in London for a few days (en route to the south of France and Switzerland) this summer, so will be keen to see what you get up to

  2. Will just be missing you then, I’ll be heading to the midlands around the 12th. Hope you have great weather!

  3. Japan and UK in the same year. Great for you and Emee.

    I think your travel philosophy is similar to mine: I’ve never been one to do whirlwind tours.

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