File Under: Crankarm Kaput

Over the past month or so, I've heard weird creaks from my left crankarm on the Raleigh Wayfarer. Not only that, the pedal made a noticeable "slip" feeling with each pedal stroke. I didn't think too much of it until the sound became worse. I asked some bike experts, and though I thought the issue... Continue Reading →

New crankset and fenders!! (The Blingification of the Long Haul Trucker, Part 1)

You might find it hard to believe, but at one point I wasn't much of a bike aesthete. My original Portland bike, a mid-nineties Giant Rincon MTB, wasn't much to look at. After buying it I immediately stickered the bejeezus out of it (in an attempt to make it more "theft-proof"). I didn't care how... Continue Reading →

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