What hang-ups prevent people from bike touring?

My Bantam at Crown Point in the Columbia Gorge during a bike campout last April. It took almost twenty years of touring to figure out what works for me. Last week I went to a bike touring, er, "bikepacking" meetup at Lords Luggage, hosted by Bruce B. There was a good turnout featuring people I... Continue Reading →

On another season gone, getting older, and default travel methods

We are now in mid-September. While technically summer lasts until Equinox on Friday September 22nd (though meteorological summer is over), with a few rains and some cooler temps, thoughts are now focused on autumn. I do like autumn (when we get a real one, which wasn't last year), and there is still some more time... Continue Reading →

The Opulence of Time

North Beach, Orcas Island. 5 August 2022. Camera: Olympus XA2/Film: Fujicolor 100 Stasia over at Carfree Rambles finished up a coast-to-coast (and Portland-to-Portland!) tour with her partner a little while ago. Like many folks who go on a big adventure like this, she's found the readjustment to "real life" a bit tough. In her latest... Continue Reading →

San Juans Tour: Wrap-up and photos

Watching the ferry from Orcas Hotel. 5 August 2022 Olympus XA2/Fujicolor 200 Hello friends. It's been a few weeks since Emee and I got back from our week-long bike excursion to the San Juan Islands and the Skagit Valley. Overall, it was a great trip. We stayed at hotels/Airbnbs the whole time, meaning we could... Continue Reading →

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