Lessons learned from my Big Tour on the thirteenth anniversary of my departure

Me at Peyto Lake near Bow Summit on Icefields Parkway, Canadian Rockies. 22 July 2011 I know that there are some folks out there that don't like to look back too much on their lives. They'd rather concentrate on the now and the future. I get that to some degree, as it's really easy to... Continue Reading →

On elevating the everyday rider

14 May 2024. Camera: Pentax IQZoom 150SL (Espio 150SL) Film: Candido 400 Last year I bought a copy of Eugene Sloane's Complete Book of All-Terrain Bicycles. I got it because I was buying another book from Better World Books or a similar used books online retailer, and I needed to spend a few more dollars... Continue Reading →

Radio, Revisited, Revisited.

I guess it has to do with being Gen X, but I still listen to and care about terrestrial radio. It's not with the intensity I listened to radio in the 1980s and 90s, first discovering AOR/Classic Rock and then College and Community Radio. The intensity dissipated when I moved to Portland in 2001, when... Continue Reading →

On the endangered paper bicycle map

"Do they even make paper maps anymore?" Jacquie Phelan asks over on the Charlie Cunningham Medical and Rehab site (look for the March 9th, 2024 entry as they don't do permalinks over there.) It's a valid question. Many analog things have faded away over the past couple of decades. And with many of these "fading... Continue Reading →

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