Pedalpalooza Preview: My 2024 Summer Events

Pedalpalooza, Portland’s summer-long celebration of bicycle fun, will soon be upon us. It’s a good time to host my bike events, as there are a lot of eyeballs on the calendar. As I get older, planning out my Pedalpalooza is a delicate balancing act, as I don't have the unbound energy I did ten years... Continue Reading →

Do you have a commuting boundary?

Risley Landing, 20 April 2024. Canonet QL17 GIII/Fomapan 400 Recently over at Carfree Rambles, Stasia talked about a job listing that interested her, but that the distance from her house--over 20 miles--made it too far for her to consider applying, no matter how good the position could be. I realize that 20+ miles is not... Continue Reading →

On randonneuring and inclusiveness

My history with the "sport" of randonneuring, where one rides a specific route in a specified amount of time, is fleeting. After hearing about it for several years, I did not attempt my first one until November 2011, the Verboort Populaire hosted by our local group, Oregon Randonneurs. Despite being conditioned for long days in... Continue Reading →

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