Adventures in DIY: Pedal Overhaul

Pedal body with axle,  washer, locking nut, dustcap, and cone. Not pictured: ball bearings.A few people think I'm a great bicycle mechanic. This notion is quite far from the truth. Oh sure, I can do some basic stuff. Fix a flat? Sure. Adjust brakes? Grudgingly. Mount stuff? Okay. Since I have toured extensively, I can do... Continue Reading →

Sale Update: Select Buttons on CLEARANCE for only 50 cents!

Hello friends! There's still over a week left on my spring sale! Not only have I offered some great deals on stuff, but now I lowered the price on select 1" buttons to fifty cents each! Quite the bargain. The price will last as long as they are in stock; once they're gone...they're gone! The... Continue Reading →

Not a bad weekend

Almost at 5,000 miles!The last time I checked in, this blog was full o' gloom and doom. The Brooks saddle on my Cycle Truck got jacked, the weather was craptastic, and I didn't get a job that I'd been hoping to get, one I had been waiting for weeks to hear back from. (I didn't... Continue Reading →

Plans unrealized, Bikes optimized

If one of you (you meaning my loyal 12 1/2 readers) checked into my blog last week, you might remember me talking about getting ready to ride Oregon Randonneurs' 100km Populaire ride last Saturday. Well, that didn't happen. Well, the ride itself happened, but not my participation. One reason was I wasn't sure about riding... Continue Reading →

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