On another season gone, getting older, and default travel methods

We are now in mid-September. While technically summer lasts until Equinox on Friday September 22nd (though meteorological summer is over), with a few rains and some cooler temps, thoughts are now focused on autumn. I do like autumn (when we get a real one, which wasn't last year), and there is still some more time... Continue Reading →

Skagit San Juan Islands 2019 Tour Review

By Evan Derickson (with some mods by me) https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=42838685 Hello all. It's been a few days since Emee and I returned from our week long excursion to the Puget Sound. It was overall a decent trip! I always love going to the Skagit Valley and the San Juan Islands and this time didn't disappoint. Observations:... Continue Reading →

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